Journey Through Loss ‘Virtual’ and ‘In-Person’ Bereavement Support Groups
As we continue to collaborate to find new ways to support, we are pleased to be able to return to weekly in-person meetings. We will continue to offer a bi-weekly ‘online’ virtual support group.
Both groups will be offered on Thursdays: 4:30 – 6:00pm and will have two facilitators present for the weekly online or in-person group.
In-Person Sessions
(In terms of mask wearing, please wear what you are most comfortable with. The Province has dropped all mask mandates. As promoted in group, we offer a non-judgmental and safe place to share. Whatever your decision is will be respected).
Online (Virtual) Sessions
For those who are joining us from afar, or potentially do not feel comfortable moving to an in-person module yet, or perhaps you find it easier to hop online – whatever your reason, you are welcome to attend an online session that will run TWICE a month, Thursdays: 4:30-6:30pm precipitated by an email link to join.
If you are interested in joining the in-person or online virtual Bereavement Support Group, please click here for the consent form. Once completed, click Submit. You will receive an email within 24 hours with instructions to join the group.
If you are a bereaved member who is interested in joining in-person and never had an intake, please call: 519.782.5515 and leave a message. Someone will return your call within 24 hours.
We welcome you to visit our Resources page for information that may be helpful to you. We wish you safety, health and send a virtual hug of support to all of you.
For tips, coping strategies and resources to manage your mental health during the pandemic: click here
For additional resources to assist you during this time such as a simple Metta Meditation: click here
For more information or for an intake interview, please call: 519.782.5515 or email